What Experts Say About Us

Kenji Suzuki
The quality of the QIMS is outstanding in that it publishes important, timely review articles and high- quality research articles on critical and emerging topics in quantitative imaging.
Kenji Suzuki, PhD
Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Medical Imaging Research Center,
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Pritzker Institute of Biomedical Science and Engineering,
Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
Xiaobo Qu
This journal encourages authors to look at the medical images from a quantitative angle, which is beyond the traditional focus on anatomical or functional structures. Quantitative measure is believed to provide accurate detection and prediction of diseases.
Xiaobo Qu, PhD
Assistant Professor of Electronic Science
Xiamen University, China
Xin Yu
The manuscripts published on QIMS are extremely important for the advancement of the field of medical imaging and surgery. Its unique translational approach has been adopted by many other journals, with the purpose of bridging the gap between basic and clinical research.
Xin Yu, ScD
Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Radiology, Physiology and Biophysics,
Case Western Reserve University, USA
Yicheng Ni
I have enjoyed reviewing many high quality manuscripts submitted to this journal, many of which are original and innovative, comparable to those published in some well-established journals in our field.
Yicheng Ni, MD, PhD
Full professor, Bayer Lecture Chair,
Radiology, University Hospital, KU Leuven,
Head of Theragnostic Laboratory,
Department of Imaging and Pathology,
Faculty of Medicine, KU Leuven, Belgium
Zhonghua Sun
QIMS is one of the few influential journals dedicated to imaging science in East Asia focusing on quantitative imaging research. Meanwhile, the international diversity of the authorship enables readers to look at quantitative medical images from a world perspective.
Zhonghua Sun, PhD
Professor of Medical Imaging,
Curtin University, Australia
Aad van der Lugt
Most articles published in QIMS have a significant impact on validation of (molecular) imaging biomarkers.
Aad van der Lugt, MD, PhD
Professor Neuroradiaologie, Department of Radiology,
Erasmus MC, The Netherlands